Disaster Recovery Project Leaves Legacy, Builds to Last!
Disaster affected families that benefited houses from the UNDP-Japan funded project in Zomba and Phalombe could not hold their appreciation for the project for bringing hope for future generations of families in need. The project facilitated the development of formal land certificates entitling the beneficiaries to occupy the land where the project house has been built. The project has also trained the beneficiaries in wills and inheritance. Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) engaged the Judiciary Department which provided legal advice on the importance of having a will. Today, HFHM has just finalized one of such trainings for Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba at St Martin Parish Hall for 50 home owners who have benefited a house from the project. The participants were taken through some provisions under the Constitution of Malawi providing for the right to acquire property and the need to protect the property they have acquired so that appropriate beneficiaries inherit it. The participants were taken through the process of writing a valid Will as provided for under the Deceased Estates (Wills, Inheritance and Protection) Act, 2011. Child rights was also highlighted in the training as they are some of the most vulnerable people in the community. Prevention of domestic violence Act and many more Human rights were also tackled during the training. The training was conducted by Her Worship Hellen Kachala Zomba Senior Magistrate Court and Her Worship Eneth Banda, Senior Child Justice Court