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Disaster Recovery Project Leaves Legacy, Builds to Last!

Disaster affected families that benefited houses from the UNDP-Japan funded project in Zomba and Phalombe could not hold their appreciation for the project for bringing hope for future generations of families in need. The project facilitated the development of formal land certificates entitling the beneficiaries to occupy the land where the project house has been built. The project has also trained the beneficiaries in wills and inheritance. Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) engaged the Judiciary Department which provided legal advice on the importance of having a will. Today, HFHM has just finalized one of such trainings for Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba at St Martin Parish Hall for 50 home owners who have benefited a house from the project. The participants were taken through some provisions under the Constitution of Malawi providing for the right to acquire property and the need to protect the property they have acquired so that appropriate beneficiaries inherit it. The participants were taken through the process of writing a valid Will as provided for under the Deceased Estates (Wills, Inheritance and Protection) Act, 2011. Child rights was also highlighted in the training as they are some of the most vulnerable people in the community. Prevention of domestic violence Act and many more Human rights were also tackled during the training. The training was conducted by Her Worship Hellen Kachala Zomba Senior Magistrate Court and Her Worship Eneth Banda, Senior Child Justice Court

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Building Homes, communities and hope: A Look at the Benefits of “Shoes that Grow” to Kachitsa Primary School and communities in Mgombe Village, TA Chadza in Lilongwe

Building Homes, communities and hope: A Look at the Benefits of “Shoes that Grow” to Kachitsa Primary School and communities in Mgombe Village, TA Chadza in Lilongwe This week Habitat for Humanity Malawi is hosting Paterson Habitat Team that are building three houses for orphans and other vulnerable groups in Mng’ombe Village, TA Chadza in Lilongwe. To show their support for our mission, they brought over 500 pairs of shoes and distributed to Kachitsa Primary School during the build week. While there are many benefits to wearing shoes, many pupils at Kachitsa Primary School in Lilongwe Rural East of Central Western Division are not able to enjoy these benefits because of the lack of adequate footwear accessible to them. This was observed last year when Habitat for Humanity Malawi hosted Paterson Habitat Team in the area where they were constructing three houses for the orphans and other Vulnerable Group (OVG). The Paterson Habitat Team has made it possible for those pupils most in need of adequate footwear to own a good pair of shoes and the “shoes that grow”. Knowing just how important proper footwear for school going pupils, Paterson Habitat Team mobilized U$D7500 to procure 514 pairs of these growing shoes to distribute to the pupils of Primary School alongside building three more houses in the same area this week beginning 5th to 10th November, 2018. The shoe distribution not only inspired our community a worthy cause, it also reminded them of why footwear for school going kids is so important. Shoes can improve quality of life, prevent injury & disease, help with healing for those with chronic foot conditions, express one’s self, reducing the risk of certain parasitic diseases and foot infections among others. While shoes have a basic functional purpose with many benefits, there are also psychological benefits to the personality development of adolescents. Indeed, shoes hold value that is unique to the person and their environment and this was observed when one Stephano Madeya a grade 3 pupil who upon receiving his pair, pronounced in vernacular “ine lero nde ndadala”, in english meaning today I am blessed. I could hear many pupils declaring that they will never again abscond from school upon receiving their pairs. Surely the shoe distribution had a magical transformation and perceived to turn pupils at Kachitsa from ordinary to a superstar or model. This is all fruits of the Orphans and other Vulnerable Groups Country Program for Habitat Malawi which is aimed at improving the living conditions of orphans and other vulnerable children through construction of decent houses and provision of other complimentary services.

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Habitat For Humanity Malawi Wish List

Dear GV Team Member We truly appreciate your willingness to come to Malawi and donate your time and effort to help us reduce substandard housing conditions in Malawi.  Your generosity is truly amazing and it will help us accomplish the monumental task we face.  Some Team Members have asked if there is more that they can do to help, so we have put together a Wish List of items that can contribute even further to our effort’s success.  This list includes items that are identified by GV Teams.  We will eventually have to use our funds to purchase these items, funds that could be spent for housing.  A donation of something on the list will allow us to use the funds for housing improvement instead of organization operations. A cash donation is also acceptable in order to purchase some items locally. We know you are already giving a lot, but maybe you would like to help a little more. We have included an estimated cost per item in the last column to give you an idea. Wish List for GV Teams to HFH Malawi CY2018 DESCRIPTION                                                     QUANTITY                          ESTIMATED COST IN USD PER ITEM (In Malawi) Laptops i5, i7                                                      10(New)                                  1000 to 1351 Leaser Jet Printer /Scanner & toners                  5                                              950 Web cam/ Head Sets                                          5                                              40 External backup drives:                                      20                                             80 Flash disks (16/32GB preferably)                       Many                                        10 Digital / Video Camera’s (functional)                  4 English Bibles                                                     Many Inflatable Mattresses and pumps                       4 Wheel barrows                                                   20 Power Banks                                                      30 Tablets                                                                5                                              140 Shovels                                                               100 General Office Stationery (i.e. Post it                  Many notes, pens, pencils, writing pads, highlighter) Note: You are responsible for all shipping and customs expenses. Teams have the option of purchasing the gifts locally American GV Team members can use this as a tax deduction. A receipt will be provided to you by HFHM. If you can provide something on the Wish List, please consult with the GV Team Coordinator in Malawi in advance to be sure that items will   meet local specifications and conditions. Once again, we sincerely thank you for your willingness to help and we look forward to seeing you in Malawi. Yours in partnership, Habitat for Humanity Malawi Team

Support, Uncategorized

Quick Facts

• When Habitat started in Malawi: 1986 • Individuals served by FY17: 41,606* • Volunteers hosted in FY17: 281 • Housing solutions: New homes; Housing support services; Water, sanitation and hygiene; Disaster risk reduction and response * includes construction and market development Other facts: • Capital: Lilongwe • Main country facts: Gained independence in1964 • Population: 18.57 million • Urbanization: 16.3 percent live in cities • Life expectancy: 61.2 years • Unemployment rate: 8.6 percent • Population living below poverty line:52.4 percent Find more country facts on: CIA The World Factbook – Malawi

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