Take Part in the Malawi Envisioning Process; The National Transformation 2063

Take Part in the Malawi Envisioning Process; The National Transformation 2063

The National Planning Commission is consulting stakeholders from all walks of life in Malawi on what they want the country’s long-term goal to be.

Habitat for Humanity Malawi believes that access to decent housing can remove barriers to prosperity, promote a self-reliant nation and economic independence that can be part of a family’s life for years and in many cases, for generations.

To make your voice heard and advocate for access to decent housing for all and to contribute to the objectives of the next long-term agenda, the National Transformation 2063, please respond to this questionnaire; https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LFWV7JF

Thank you for making a contribution to Malawi’s future prosperity.

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