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Disaster Recovery Project Leaves Legacy, Builds to Last!

Disaster affected families that benefited houses from the UNDP-Japan funded project in Zomba and Phalombe could not hold their appreciation for the project for bringing hope for future generations of families in need. The project facilitated the development of formal land certificates entitling the beneficiaries to occupy the land where the project house has been built. The project has also trained the beneficiaries in wills and inheritance. Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) engaged the Judiciary Department which provided legal advice on the importance of having a will. Today, HFHM has just finalized one of such trainings for Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba at St Martin Parish Hall for 50 home owners who have benefited a house from the project. The participants were taken through some provisions under the Constitution of Malawi providing for the right to acquire property and the need to protect the property they have acquired so that appropriate beneficiaries inherit it. The participants were taken through the process of writing a valid Will as provided for under the Deceased Estates (Wills, Inheritance and Protection) Act, 2011. Child rights was also highlighted in the training as they are some of the most vulnerable people in the community. Prevention of domestic violence Act and many more Human rights were also tackled during the training. The training was conducted by Her Worship Hellen Kachala Zomba Senior Magistrate Court and Her Worship Eneth Banda, Senior Child Justice Court

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Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) in partnership with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with funding from Government of China, is implementing a project called “UNDP-HFHM Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Recovery”. The project runs from 29th February, 2020 to 31st March 2021.The main aim of the project is to support human security through safe and dignified access to climate-resilient housing for affected communities in Malawi displaced by floods from Cyclone Idai. Through this partnership, the project plans to construct 180 flood-resilient houses for the most vulnerable flood-affected communities in Zomba and Phalombe Districts while also restoring two community markets and two community water points. The project will also strengthen the capacity of district and national authorities, private sector firms and communities to apply techniques from the Safer Housing Construction Guidelines (SHCG) including training on inclusive disaster recovery through climate- and weather-resilient housing targeting the most vulnerable, that includes; women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities. The project is being conducted in Traditional Authorities Mwambo and Ngwelero in Zomba and Kaduya and Jenala in Phalombe. The following maps shows the land parcels of the family beneficiaries who have benefited a house in the project. Map Of TA Jenala Showing Land Parcels For Family Beneficiaries For UNDP-HFHM Partenership For Inclusive Disaster Recovery Project Map Of TA Nkhulambe Showing Land Parcels For Family Beneficiaries For UNDP-HFHM Partenership For Inclusive Disaster Recovery Project Map Of Zomba Showing Disaster Recovery Project Climate Resilient Housing Beneficiaries

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World Habitat Day! “Recognizing the true value of housing to economic recovery from COVID-19”

From April, 2020 Habitat Malawi began implementing the UNDP-HFHM Partnership for Inclusive Disaster Recovery project with the overall goal of supporting human security through safe and dignified access to climate-resilient housing for the affected communities displaced by floods from Cyclone Idai in Phalombe and Zomba districts. Jinny Wisikesi a 43-year-old woman living in Nambiri village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhulambe in Phalombe district. Jinny lost her husband in 2012 and has since then assumed the sole responsibility towards the care of her children. When the 2019 Cyclone Idai hit Phalombe Jinny’s home was among the many houses that got destroyed by the floods. Since losing her house in 2019, Jinny has lived at a camp, in a tent and currently in a relatives’ house. Jinny’s family was identified as beneficiaries for the project and at the moment Land Certification for her land has been done and delivery of materials that will be used in the construction of her house has commenced. Since assuming her role as the head of the house, Jinny has relied on piece work and running a small business in order to provide for the family. Identified as a beneficiary at a time when COVID-19 has caused economic shocks worldwide. Due to travel bans and restrictions Jinny’s small business of selling cooked rice and beans to people that frequent Nkhulambe for agricultural business purposes has suffered many losses and consequently failed. “When we heard about COVID-19, I had fear especially for people like me in the village. Here in the village we share space and housing; our way of life, culture and traditions are rooted on being around one another. Even the simple regular hand washing is a big issue since we cannot afford to buy soap. Habitat came in at the right time since the small business that I rely on has failed and I have no money to build another house, at the same time the rain season is fast approaching. The provision of the house has allowed me to have additional time for other productive activities. I am currently concentrating on my small garden and producing vegetables to help sustain my family. Thanks to this project am now at peace knowing that even if COVID or anything else happened to me, my children will have a home which they can call their own. My dream of having a house in the midst all these challenges has been fulfilled.”– Jinny shares

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Habitat for Humanity Malawi is affiliated to Habitat for Humanity International, which originated in Georgia, the United States of America in 1976. Habitat for Humanity Malawi was established in 1986 and is one of more than 70 international Habitat for Humanity offices. Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat for Humanity Malawi seeks to provide shelter as one way of eliminating poverty and improving the lives of orphans and other groups of people; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) to improve the sanitation status and well-being of residents of informal settlements; and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response to improve access to better and safer shelter for families living in areas prone to disasters. Since its establishment in Malawi in 1986, Habitat for Humanity Malawi has reached out to over 133, 598 people with access to decent disaster resilient housing: over 70,000 people with access to improved water sanitation and hygiene. Our Vision A Malawi where everyone has a decent place to live. Our Mission Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings together people to build Homes, Communities and Hope. MISSION PRINCIPLES Demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ Focus on shelter Advocate for affordable housing Promote dignity and hope Support sustainable and transformational development.

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