Habitat For Humanity Malawi Wish List

Dear GV Team Member

We truly appreciate your willingness to come to Malawi and donate your time and effort to help us reduce substandard housing conditions in Malawi.  Your generosity is truly amazing and it will help us accomplish the monumental task we face.  Some Team Members have asked if there is more that they can do to help, so we have put together a Wish List of items that can contribute even further to our effort’s success.  This list includes items that are identified by GV Teams.  We will eventually have to use our funds to purchase these items, funds that could be spent for housing.  A donation of something on the list will allow us to use the funds for housing improvement instead of organization operations. A cash donation is also acceptable in order to purchase some items locally. We know you are already giving a lot, but maybe you would like to help a little more. We have included an estimated cost per item in the last column to give you an idea.

Wish List for GV Teams to HFH Malawi CY2018

DESCRIPTION                                                     QUANTITY                          ESTIMATED COST IN USD PER ITEM

(In Malawi)

Laptops i5, i7                                                      10(New)                                  1000 to 1351

Leaser Jet Printer /Scanner & toners                  5                                              950

Web cam/ Head Sets                                          5                                              40

External backup drives:                                      20                                             80

Flash disks (16/32GB preferably)                       Many                                        10

Digital / Video Camera’s (functional)                  4

English Bibles                                                     Many

Inflatable Mattresses and pumps                       4

Wheel barrows                                                   20

Power Banks                                                      30

Tablets                                                                5                                              140

Shovels                                                               100

General Office Stationery (i.e. Post it                  Many

notes, pens, pencils, writing pads,



  • You are responsible for all shipping and customs expenses.
  • Teams have the option of purchasing the gifts locally
  • American GV Team members can use this as a tax deduction. A receipt will be provided to you by HFHM.
  • If you can provide something on the Wish List, please consult with the GV Team Coordinator in Malawi in advance to be sure that items will   meet local specifications and conditions.

Once again, we sincerely thank you for your willingness to help and we look forward to seeing you in Malawi.

Yours in partnership,

Habitat for Humanity Malawi Team

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