In July 2021, Habitat for Humanity (HFHM) with funding from the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) implemented a Disaster Recovery Project which was aimed at supporting housing needs to families that were displaced by the impact of Cyclone ldai in Zomba and Phalombe Districts.

The project received a grant from the Japanese and Chinese Governments and built 380 flood -resilient housing units for the most vulnerable disaster affected families. The project was implemented in 8 communities of Traditional Authorities Mwambo, Ngwelero, Chikowi and Malemia in Zomba and Nkhulambe, Jenala, Mkhumba and Kaduya in Phalombe.
In 2023, after the effects of Cyclone Freddy, UNDP visited communities to appreciate the effects of the Cyclone Freddy on these houses and the article published by Nation News Paper on Tuesday April 4, 2023, carries it all. It is comforting to learn that these houses acted like mini rescue centers and hosted many more families who were displaced by Cyclone Freddy.
Cyclones are investable but with safer housing construction guidelines, the effects of the disasters may be minimized on the housing units. Investing in resilient housing is one of the sustainable ways of capacitating communities prone to disasters.