Habitat for Humanity Malawi collaborated with other WASH experts under The Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WES Network) in promoting climate resilient and sustainable technologies and innovations for WASH service delivery in Malawi.

On 31st March, Habitat for Humanity Malawi collaborated with other WASH experts under The Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WES Network) in promoting climate resilient and sustainable technologies and innovations for WASH service delivery in Malawi.
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The Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WES Network) provided a platform to the WASH experts to share the innovations, technologies and proven best practices in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services.
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During the fare, Habitat for Humanity Malawi promoted corbelled latrines which are low cost, sustainable and withstand the loose soils. In addition, Habitat for Humanity Malawi also promoted wastewater management from the borehole which can be used for irrigation while at the same time is recharging the ground water.
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The Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Honorable Liana Kakhobwe was the Guest of Honor.
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