HFH Malawi hosts Ministry of lands delegates to appreciate innovative housing solutions

On August 21 and 22, 2024, Habitat for Humanity Malawi hosted a two-day field visit to the Director of Housing and officials from the Ministry of Lands to its projects implementing areas in Blantyre and Mulanje districts respectively.

The visit focused on showcasing innovative, affordable, and sustainable housing and environmental solutions that HFH Malawi is supporting Malawi government in achieving Malawi 2063 as the organization positions housing as a key driver for sustainable development and economic growth.

During the two-day field visit, the Ministry of Lands representatives had opportunity to appreciate and witness the production of soil-stabilized blocks (SSB) and cement blocks at the Production and Resource Training Center in Blantyre where HFH Malawi is fostering the use of eco-friendly materials in the construction industry, promoting entrepreneurship, and vocational skills among young people.

Furthermore, the team also visited Natchidwa Camp in Mulanje where HFH Malawi is constructing 37 disaster-resilient houses to support the families affected by the brunt of Cyclone Freddy in 2023. Among these, two houses have adopted recently introduced Malawi housing designs.

In his closing remarks, the Director of Housing acknowledged the significant contributions of Habitat for Humanity Malawi and emphasized the integral role of the Ministry of Lands in supporting and encouraging the organization to continue its leadership in pioneering housing initiatives across the country.

The field visit reignited interest in the potential of post-disaster settings as catalysts for innovative and sustainable housing solutions. The integration of livelihoods, agriculture, solar energy, and other cross-sectoral initiatives is essential to ensuring that rural communities in Malawi have access to resilient, dignified, and sustainable housing solutions.

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