Habitat for Humanity Malawi (HFHM) organized the National Disaster Risk Reduction, Response and Recovery (DRRR) Lessons Learnt Workshop on Monday 2nd September, 2019 at Cross Roads Hotel in Blantyre. The workshop convened all key stakeholders under the Shelter and Camp Management Cluster with an aim of reviewing and understanding the biggest lessons learned in preparing for, responding to and recovering from Tropical Cyclone Idai that decimated parts of the country in March this year.
The National Lessons Learned Workshop focused on understanding what worked well and the challenges faced by different stakeholders during the response and recovery phases of the disasters. Understanding how best to overcome the challenges and put together concise recommendations will help drive the future of disaster resilience in Malawi.
Further to that, the submissions from workshop will help understand the best way to move forward and protect the communities in the disaster prone areas in the future.
The National Director for Habitat for Humanity Malawi, Mr. Kelvin Kalonga said the HFHM is committed to ensuring that the affected communities recover and build back better and stronger form the devastation caused by the heavy rains, strong winds, associated with the Tropical Cyclone Idai. The workshop was funded by “Building Resilience of Disaster Affected Families and Organizational Capacity at Habitat Malawi” project funded by the JTI Foundation implemented by Habitat for Humanity Malawi. The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA), Department of Housing under the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD) and Shelter and Camp Management Cluster Stakeholders attended the workshop.
The assessment estimates of the total damage and losses resulted from the effects of the Tropical Cyclone Idai amounted to U$S 220.2 million. Out of this, housing suffered the most damage with damages and losses amounting to U$S 106.6 million. The floods resulted in damage of 288,371 houses across the affected districts.