“Constructing Jobs, Building Lives (CJBL)” Project


In February 2018, HFHM signed a consortium partnership with SOS Netherlands and three other implementing partners: SOS Malawi, Young Africa Zimbabwe and Children’s Fund of Malawi (Green Malata for an EU funded project. The consortium partners have situated their action in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Lilongwe, Salima, and Mulanje districts. All partners stand out for their strong networks to access disadvantaged youth, and apply tested programs for skills training and on-the-job learning for the most vulnerable and marginalized youths in the target districts; for them to realize their socio-economic potentials.


The 30 months program; from March, 2018 to August, 2020 will employ a Franchise model originated by Young Africa of Zimbabwe.  Habitat For Humanity is empowering 100 disadvantaged youth (50% girls) by providing market-driven construction skills training, digital literacy, entrepreneurship and Life skills, facilitating jobs and internship placement through Habitat Resource Centre.


  • The consortium partners have employed franchise model to improve youth employability through providing market driven on job training.

Key aspects of franchise model

  • Habitat For Humanity (the Franchiser) invested in capital equipment for a production unit in its workshops, given local entrepreneurs (franchisees) to run for income generation while providing training to young people.
  • Franchisee pays rentals to franchiser (HFHM) and shares some operational costs
  • Students are given an opportunity to be groomed in a real business environment
  • Students will be paying fees to the franchisee who in turn hires trainers, whilst franchisor earns commission from the fees and retain responsibility of ensuring quality of training is adhered to.

                                                 ESSENCE of the franchise model in the CJBL project                     

It addresses five aspects

  1. Sustainability of centers through rental payments
  2. On-the-job exposure to students through job shadowing, internship
  3. Need for local entrepreneurial role models
  4. Participation in the local economy through training and production of end products
  5. Local entrepreneurs taking responsibility for training their own youths




Informal TEVET certificates in the following trades

  • bricklaying and making,
  • carpentry,

In order to build the sharpen the capacity of the youths to be able to stand for themselves in constantly advancing technological world as startup entrepreneurs or job seekers, one needs to have multiple skills, thus students are also exposed to Life Skills, Digital literacy and Entrepreneurship courses.


In addition, the model shapes and strengthens young people’s minds in life skills orientation and entrepreneurship efforts by engaging them with potential financing institutions and grouping them to be productive teams in conducting businesses.


The program is aimed at reaching youths in the following categories:

  1. Disadvantaged poor rural and urban youth (aged 15-30 years)
  2. Youth without or at risk of losing parental care
  3. Teen mothers, female (child) headed households
  4. Youth living with HIV/AIDS)
  5. Former sex workers
  6. Persons with disabilities but can manage to work within the trades offered


Youth are admitted into the program through

  1. Referral from Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
  2. Normal application process
    • Advertisement is placed on media by Habitat For Humanity
    • Aspirants youths sending application using admission forms
    • Conducting interviews (oral & written)
    • Selection and screening of candidates
  3. Walk in interviews



Habitat Resource Centre was established under Constructing Jobs, Building Lives (CJBL) Project in March 218 and was officially opened as training centre in July 2018.

Since its establishment, Habitat Resource Centre has hosted two cohorts. First cohort of 42 students (22 females) was hosted from July to December 2018. And 28 students (12 females) completed the 6 month informal training and underwent three months internship within Salima district.

A second of 42 students (10 females) was admitted in January 2019 and expecting to finish on campus training in June 2019 and are expecting to go for three months internship starting July 2019.

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